Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Yesterday was our last day at Davis Bayou Campground in Ocean Springs, MS.  We so enjoyed our time there, taking nature walks (we walked 35 miles last week!!!), and chatting with our camping neighbors.  Brian and Susan camped next to us; they have been full-time RVing for a few years and they willingly shared helpful hints about the lifestyle.  They were also avid bicyclists, and Brian showed George their foldable bikes that folded so compactly that they fit easily into the storage area of an RV.  Well, you know how George likes his toys, so we looked for a local bike shop.  Wouldn't you know it, as soon as we walked in the door, there was a used foldable bike just like Brian's!  It was in excellent condition and a really good price, so we bought it.

George demonstrating his new foldable bike

I'm not much of a biker, so I'm not sure I'll test this one out.  I may look for a foldable 3-wheeler.  We'll see.

This morning we left for Fort Pickens Campground, near Pensacola, FL.  We traveled through Alabama, and arrived safely in Florida about 2 PM.  It was a pleasant and brief (2 1/2 hours) ride.

The campground is actually located on a barrier island in between Pensacola and the Gulf of Mexico.  Our site was super easy to back in to (easy for me to say, as I just tell George when to stop backing up and he does all the maneuvering); it was a straight shot back from the main road for our loop.  We are surrounded by interestingly-shaped shade trees, and our "back yard" is a walking trail that leads to the actual fort of Fort Pickens.  We have a good size area in the back for Licorice and Taffy.  
Here's our site, A029. 

After setting up, George put my hammock together and I relaxed for awhile, watching the clouds float by above the shade trees.
I actually could hear the waves hitting the beach from this vantage point.  Ahhhh!  

With the waves calling us, we just had to take a walk on the beach.  It's a clean, undeveloped beach with soft white sand.  We saw an armadillo (I never saw a live armadillo before in its natural surroundings) and some cute sandpipers scurrying around.

Living the dream!  


  1. What a ton of fun! Love the bike and the sandpipers! Glad to see you're wearing a helmet, George! ;) Hugs to you both, Linda!

  2. Really neat bike George! Have fun riding! Thanks for showing your adventures to us! So happy for you!
