Sunday, April 12, 2020

This was an unusual Easter, as families that would normally gather together found themselves isolating from one another in order to "flatten the curve" of the coronavirus.  Instead of coloring eggs or making Easter baskets, we were making face masks.  My friend, Jan, from New Mexico, shared some creative masks donned by her family.

This is Jen,  Jan's daughter, who is a nurse caring for persons hospitalized during this pandemic.  She is one of the front-line heroes for sure!  Because of the mask shortage facing health care facilities, Jen is wearing a homemade mask, which provides protection from the virus and probably brings a smile to those she cares for.  It really is cute.  Thank you, Jen, for your expert, invaluable nursing care, especially during this pandemic!

Jan responded to the call to make masks at home.  She dusted off her sewing machine and relied on her talents to make this creative mask for Frank, her husband.  
I wonder where the material came from?  

I found directions on the internet on how to make a mask from fabric, without the need for a sewing machine (I do not have a sewing machine in our RV).  I cut up one of El's old tee shirts (thanks, El) and created this mask by folding the fabric lengthwise, then wrapped the ends over hair rubber bands that I placed over my ears to hold it in place.  It was a little bulky (do you think?) but I like the color.

Our Easter was warm and sunny.  El, George, and I shared a delicious dinner of ham, au gratin potatoes, deviled eggs, corn, and then we had dutch apple pie with ice cream for dessert.  Mmmm good!  Good food and good family.  

We also enjoyed some creatures of nature around us this Easter.  On our walk this morning we caught a glimpse of a tortoise who was beating feet--he was moving amazingly quick along the path. 

And this evening, we were thrilled to see several manatees swimming in the canal right by El's deck.

Such gentle giants.  It was awesome to see them gracefully float by in groups.

We want to wish all our family and friends spread throughout the country and the world, a Happy Easter.  We hope that next Easter families will be able once again to gather together for this special holiday.  

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